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Month: January 2022

Food & Flavor


What’s the hottest chile you have in the shop? We get that question so often! From modest Paprika to scary Ghost, we are here to answer all your searing questions. First up, Chili or Chile? Answer: yes to both. As you read recipes, blogs and […]

ayurvedic teas
Health & Wellness, Tea

Ayurvedic Teas

Ayurveda, the alternative Indian medical system based on ancient writings, relies on a natural and holistic approach to physical and mental health. While not considered mainstream in the United States, Ayurvedic medicine is one of India’s traditional health care systems.  The three Doshas are central […]

Kitchen Tips, Tea


James Bond bellying up to the bar. Tom Cruise’s cool moves in Cocktail. Jumping on the bar in Coyote Ugly. The mixologist shaking a cocktail conjures iconic images. Super suave looking? Yes. But that rhythmic shake is also for good reason. Shaking a beverage – […]