We planned to make this tea a seasonal selection, but our customers met that with a firm “Mais non!” Now. you’ll find King Cake tea in our shop year round. We captured the traditional flavor of the cinnamon-studded pastry (minus the baby) in our King Cake Tea.

Type: Flavored Black & Green Tea Blend
Place: China & India
Ingredients: Black Tea, Green Tea, Vanilla, Cinnamon, Clove, Cardamom, Sugary Sprinkles
Flavor Profile: Smooth, roasty, reminiscent of chai, sweet and a tiny bit smoky
Caffeine: About 1/2 of a cup of coffee
Steep Time & Temp: Steep in near-boiling water – 195°F – for 3-5 minutes
Cold Steep? YES! To our surprise, it cold steeps well. Place 1/3 cup tea in a pitcher. Cover with water. The next morning, enjoy your cold brew!
Take a Sip: If you love flavored teas, you’re going to LOVE King Cake Tea. Rich and smooth with nice vanilla notes. While it’s not typical for a green tea, this tea does love milk and sugar.