It seems we’ve been talking about Sheet Pan Suppers for years. And that’s because we have! We’ve featured them on our podcast and written lots of recipes that fit on these 18X13 pieces of metal. If you’ve ever wondered if we’re in a Sheet Pan Suppers buzzword bubble, we’re pretty certain that this cooking method is here to stay. And oh, how we love dreaming up new ideas for sheet pans!
First up, about that pan. Once our Teaching Kitchen was in full swing with 4-6 cooking classes per week, we realized that sheet pans are not created equal. Like so many chefs and professional bakers, we turned to USA PAN® Sheet Pans. The pan surface is coated with a non-stick silicone, allowing you to easily release your baked goods from the pan. They feature a unique, ridged texture that allows for even air circulation and heat distribution. Plus, they’re rust proof and made in the USA. They’re the only pans we use in the Teaching Kitchen.
Now, onto Four Sheet Pan Suppers you haven’t tried…
1- Sheet Pan Italian Sandwiches
Remember that time we made Slab Grilled Cheese? We put that same DIY panini press ingenuity to work here. We sandwich these sandwiches between two USA Pan sheet pans and let the oven do the rest. Salami, pepperoni, provolone plus our Sun-dried Tomato & Olive Tapenade are pressed together in one big golden brown, melty Italian sandwich. Buon Appetito!
2-Sheet Pan Nachos
Game night, girls night, date night, any night is right for these sheet pan nachos! We love how the sheet pan allows for an even layer of chips and maximum topping coverage – no naked chips on the bottom. All toppings are supported by chippage (is that a word?) While we may not be using all the nacho engineering terminology correctly (nacho engineering is a thing, right?) – these nachos are 100% just right. Speaking of just right, our Jalapeno Extra Virgin Olive Oil and Taco Tuesday Blend do all the right things on this big, beefy sheet pan.

3-Sheet Pan Ratatouille
This recipe is a two-pan, sheet pan situation. Loading everything onto one sheet pan would cause steaming when what we are looking for is GBD = Golden, Brown, Delicious roasted veggies. The solution is all in the planning. Load up two pans and plan to “burp” your oven midway to release the steam. The pan of popped tomatoes will serve as the sauce for the beautiful roasted squash and eggplant. It all gets a generous glug of our Basil Extra Virgin Olive Oil and is finished with fresh basil and goat cheese. Beautiful and delicious.

4- School Cafeteria Pizza
Square pizza. Lunchroom pizza. Rectangle pizza. Lunch lady pizza. No matter the name, this old school pizza brings up so many memories. Jokes aside, this pizza has Sicilian roots and is known as Grandma Pizza. Crispy thin crust with sauce, toppings and cheese spread to the edge – so good! Admit it. Pizza day was your favorite day at school. Add this pizza to your rotation of weeknight sheet pan suppers. If you love the convenience of popping everything onto a sheet pan, the USA Pan is what you need. They’re strong, durable and nonstick. Perfect for this pizza!
Featured on our podcast, Smidgen: