
1 1/4 cups all-purpose flour
1 cup vegetable oil
1 cup chopped onion
1 cup chopped bell pepper
1 cup chopped celery
3 garlic cloves, minced
2 Tbl Gumbo Seasoning
1.5 lbs chicken thighs, cubed
8 cups chicken stock
1 lb andouille, sliced
1 bay leaf
salt & cayenne for adjusting flavor
5 scallions, sliced
File Powder, for serving

Big pots of gumbo start simmering with the first cold snap in Louisiana. We love this version with our Gumbo Seasoning – a salt-free blend that allows you to control the sodium. Be sure to grab Bay Leaves and Gumbo File Powder to complete the authentic flavors and experience. Oh, and don’t forget a Roux Spoon!

This recipe was featured in our digital magazine Pathway: A Culinary Journal. This recipe-driven guidebook is a culinary journal through south Louisiana covering the path of Hurricana Ida.


1.Have your onion, bell pepper and celery cut and ready to add to the hot roux. Have your stock heated to simmering.
2.Heat a heavy dutch oven over medium-high heat. Add the oil and flour to the pot and whisk until smooth. Switch to a wooden spoon. Continue to stir constantly until the roux is brown. Peanut butter-colored for a lighter gumbo or cook until the color of milk chocolate for a darker gumbo.
3.When the desired color is achieved, turn off the heat and add the onion, celery and bell pepper. The mixture will sputter and steam. Stir until the mixture stops steaming and the vegetables are softened. Add in the garlic, Gumbo Seasoning and salt and cook for 1 minute.
4.Add in the stock, Bay Leaf, chicken and andouille. Bring to a boil. Reduce to a simmer and cook, uncovered, for 2-2.5 hours. Taste and adjust with salt and cayenne. Stir in the scallions and serve over steamed rice. Offer file to guests to add to their bowls of gumbo.

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