Makes a 12-15 lb turkey
hoursSpatchcocking a turkey is a smart choice for faster, even cooking. By removing the backbone and flattening the bird, it exposes more skin to the heat, resulting in crispy skin and succulent meat. This method also reduces cooking time, and we all need a little extra time on Thanksgiving Day. The combination of a rest in a fridge with our Dry Brine along with a good slathering of mayonnaise (yes, mayo!) makes for a golden brown, crispy bird.
Read our blog for all the details for the back story, science and “the why” behind spatchcocking your turkey.
12 -15 lb turkey
Dry Brine Blend
1 onion, quartered
2 stalks celery
1 large carrot, cut in three pieces
6 whole garlic cloves
3/4 cup mayonnaise
3 Tbl Gobble Gobble Blend
- Discard any plastic packaging and remove the giblets from the cavity. Pat the turkey dry all over with paper towels, letting the juices from the bird briefly absorb into the paper towel.
- Lay the turkey on your cutting board with breast facedown and the backbone facing up. Cut along one side of the backbone using kitchen shears or a sharp boning knife. Start at the tail and work your way to the neck. We used a knife-scissors combo. Run the knife along the spine, puncturing the skin down to the bone then cut through with the kitchen shears. You will be cutting through cartilage and bones – put some elbow grease into it! Cut along the other side of the spine and remove the backbone. Save the backbone to make stock for gravy.
- Turn the turkey over on the cutting board so the breast side is up. Using both hands, press down on the bird forcefully until you hear the crack of the wishbone and the turkey rests flat on the cutting board. Transfer the turkey, breast side up, to a baking sheet fitted with a wire rack.
- Season the turkey all over with Dry Brine Blend – use about 1/4 cup and season the bird on both sides, rubbing a little under the skin as well. Refrigerate the turkey for at least 8 hours and up to 24 hours.
- When you’re ready to roast, preheat oven to 400°F. Remove the turkey from the fridge allow to stand at room temp for 30 minutes. Load up the sheet pan with the onion, celery stalks, a diced onion and garlic cloves.
- Combine 3/4 cup mayo with Gobble Gobble Blend. Flip the bird and rub about a quarter of the mayo on the backside. Flip with breast facing up and rub the remaining mayo mixture all over and under the skin of the turkey.
- Roast the turkey until the breast meat registers 150°F with an instant-read thermometer – about 80-90 minutes. If the skin starts to get too brown during roasting, use pieces of foil to tent. Allow the turkey to rest for 30 minutes and use the drippings to make gravy. Carve and enjoy!