Food & Flavor


Rise & Shine! We are up and at ’em with this roundup for America’s trendiest affair: Brunch! Long a Sunday morning tradition, brunch is now a Saturday morning (or any morning) staple. Here’s our roundup of seven tasty, easy-to-cook recipes must-haves for your next brunch. […]

Food & Flavor

Five Cooking Resolutions

From Store Owner Anne Milneck I’m not one for resolutions, but I read a story on cooking-specific promises for the year, and I thought: now that’s a good reason to make a resolution – or five! I write recipes, blogs, tips and tricks. I develop […]

Food & Flavor


The following information is for informational and educational purposes only, and does not substitute professional medical advice or consultations with healthcare professionals. Sniffles, coughing and congestion. When it hits, you’ll try anything to feel better. While tea is not a cure-all, adding a warm beverage […]

Food & Flavor


Tiny bubbles. We love them so. We especially love a celebratory sip with a twist from tea. Read on for three fun drinks, perfect for clinking, sipping and cheers-ing! 1-Earl Grey French 75 Super sophisticated, a French 75 gets a flavor twist from our Earl Grey […]

palermo olive oil bread dipper
Food & Flavor

FOUR Delicious Bread Dipping Blends

Instant appetizer. An excellent addition to a cheese board. Paired with a soup or salad, it’s a meal. That’s just a few of the reasons why having Bread Dipping Blends on hand is a good idea! Greek Island BlendThis combination of Mediterranean herbs and spices includes […]

Food & Flavor

Botanical Infused Simple Syrups

Store owner and Tea Sommelier Anne’s Instagram videos are all about tea. Well, not just tea – cocktails, too! We love a tea-infused cocktail, and along the way, we’ve discovered some secrets to infusing simple syrups. Simple Syrup BasicsSimple syrup is simple. It’s equal parts […]

Food & Flavor


5 GIFTS FOR THE HEAT LOVER Hey, Mister Heatmiser. Calling all Chileheads. If you’re shopping for someone who is here for the burn, we’ve got you covered. Here are five gifts for the heat lover in your life: 1- Primo’s Hot SaucesPrimo’s Swampadelic Sauce and […]

Food & Flavor


National Peppermint Bark Day? Who decides these commemorative days? Who cares? We do! Our friend-of-the-shop mystery author Leslie Budewitz is celebrating with her own recipe for Peppermint Bark. Two kinds of chocolate and two kinds of peppermint—easy, yummy, and always in season, no matter what […]

Food & Flavor


Shortbread and Sables are so easy to make! A quick blitz in the food processor then roll into logs for slice & bake or press into a rectangle for bars. Here’s our Shortbread Roundup! VANILLA BEAN SABLESBest part of this absolutely perfect cookie? It’s a […]

pickled red cabbage
Food & Flavor


Sometimes dishes need a little somehtin, somethin. A little zip. A little zing. Maybe a pop of heat. Quick pickles do it all. Make a batch (or two, or three) and park them in the fridge. They’ll be on standby, ready and waiting to elevate […]

fais do do tea infused oatmeal
Food & Flavor


roundup: overnight oats Overnight Oats are 10 minutes of effort in the evening that will be a treat for tired eyes come morning. Load up jars with old-fashioned oats, milk and lots of healthy, delicious mix-ins. Pop in the microwave or eat them cold. Just […]